Planning Appeal Cobby Castle Lane


Urgent Notification for all residents.

 Some residents have expressed concerns regarding the proposed development on Cobby Castle Lane. 

In 2017 a planning application was made for 9 houses to be developed on the west side of Cobby Castle Lane. This application expired and a new application was made on 23rd December 2019 again for 9 houses but with a different layout and type of housing.

These being 4-3 bedroom houses and 5-4 bedroom houses.

The proposed development would be between Town Farm Close and Cobby Castle Lane with driveways opening onto Cobby Castle Lane

There were three objections to the development including a detailed objection from the Parish Council.

Darlington Borough Council refused the application on 29th April 2020. They stated that this was because the site was in an unsustainable location, outside the development limits of the Borough of Darlington Local Plan 

The applicant for the planning permission has now appealed to the Secretary of State and a planning inspector has been appointed to determine the appeal.

Residents can view the appeal and comment on the appeals casework portal at  or email quoting

appeal reference APP/N1350/W/20/3252846. before 10th July 2020

Please comment on this appeal and submit your views, please be objective and consider all of these points.

  • Effect on the residential amenity of neighbours, by reason of (among other factors) noise*, disturbance*, overlooking, loss of privacy, overshadowing, etc.

[*but note that this does not include noise or disturbance arising from the actual execution of the works, which will not be taken into account, except possibly in relation to conditions that may be imposed on the planning permission, dealing with hours and methods of working, etc. during the development]

  • Will there be a high density / over-development of the site, especially if it involves loss of the open aspect of the neighbourhood.
  • What will be the visual impact of the development
  • What effect will the development have on the Village Playing Field and Playground across the road from it.
  • What will be the effect of the development on the character of the neighbourhood
  • Is the design of the houses in keeping with surrounding properties
  • Will the proposed access have an effect on existing properties
  • The proximity of the school, the school playing field and the new Bishopton Playing field & PlaygroundIn a village which is mostly designated a Conservation Area, adverse effect of the development on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area

    • The affect on highway safety or the convenience of road users – note evidence is needed.

Details of the application and all documents can be found at Searching for Cobby Castle Lane or 19/01191/OUT